Wednesday, 14 January 2015

My Own Music Video Attempt analysis

I wanted to attempt to add some things to the music video to give it my own touch. I was able to analyse the original video properly and change what I wanted to change. When I looked at it the first time I thought I could do so many things to make it better but when I tried to do my own I found out we didn't have enough clips to make major changes.

I really disliked the first few seconds of the video so I found a certain 2 second clip I could put at the start to make it better. When I tried do this I found out the sync of the song was completely messed up and it was unfixable without looking stupid. I tired to make the clip shorter so the song would be in sync but this meant it would be that short that I didn't have time to put a opening title on it.

1 comment:

  1. Ok good, Nathan, remember the clip may be useful still and the song plays over it so it doesn't all have to be lipsync throughout.
    • What software did you use to create your music video?
    EXtend and show your final piece on your blog.

    Mrs McD-H
